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At precisely beer-thirty, more than a dozen top beer bloggers and writers logged in to learn about 21st Amendment's craft beer in a can, resulting in articles by Brewerman, DRAFT and The Brew Lounge


When 21st Amendment decided to release their beer in a can in the greater San Francisco area, they turned to us to generate media coverage. The only problem: most Bay Area media had already covered 21st Amendment's entry into the San Francisco market just a few months earlier.


In order to make the story fresh, we planned an online press conference which we dubbed the "weBEERnar," hosted by the mediagenic owners of 21st Amendment. We invited beer writers and bloggers to log in to the online press conference to discuss the merits of cans vs. bottles. To encourage participation, we shipped them cans of 21st Amendment's Brew Free or Die! IPA and Hell or High Watermelon wheat beer, along with instructions not to drink the beer until the day of the press conference, when we all cracked open the cans "together" online


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